Luck Is Not in the Cards for Me

Choices lead to consequences. Own your path instead of minimizing the achievements of others. Success or failure is rarely about luck.


Photo by Josh Appel on Unsplash

I was having lunch with some of my aunts and uncles one day, listening to them talk about their children and grandchildren. One aunt was sharing the latest dramatic misfortunes befalling her offspring.

Marital problems due to infidelity, young adults without direction, fired or laid off from work and speculations of addictive behavior.

She then turned to me and said, “You’re lucky that you have a nice life with a good job and a good husband.”

The inaccuracy of this remark struck a chord with me and I emphatically responded, “I assure you luck had very little to do with any of those things. I am where I am because of hard work and reasonably good decision-making skills.”

I like to think she meant no harm, but with this aunt you could not rule out the possibility that she intended to cut me down, to ignore my sacrifices and belittle my efforts.



Tammy Hader - Author of Walking Old Roads
Journal of Journeys

Ex-accountant, lifetime cat lover and avid wearer of hats. Author of Walking Old Roads available on Visit me at