Sasha Meyer
Journal of Journeys
3 min readMar 6, 2020


Picture by jule on Pexels

I love to travel.

It’s my passion and it is what I live for.
I love exploring all different corners of this beautiful planet, discovering new cultures, meeting all kinds of people and hearing all of their stories.

The fact, that my job sends me all around the world all the time is pretty much my favorite part of it — but there is a downside to it.
Because what goes hand in hand with travel for me, is love.

I fall in love with places, cultures, and humans.
And it really is one of the greatest feelings.
But then again, it makes leaving so much harder.

Saying goodbye sucks. I used to be good at it, but I learned the hard way, that it cannot always be a ‘see you later’.

The more places I see, the more people I meet, the harder it gets to keep track of it all. It almost feels like my heart is crumbled into pieces and those pieces are spread all across the globe.

Some connections stay, I am not saying it isn’t possible to stay in touch with people. My best friends all live far away and spread all over the world, but I know, that no distance could ever hurt the connection we have.

With some people it’s even enough to like each other’s Instagram pictures every once in a while, just to sort of silently acknowledge, that you are still interested and invested in their life.

Sometimes you figure out a way to reunite regularly and with some people, it will feel like no time has passed and nothing has changed at all. But in a way, you’ll always know it did.

No matter what time you had together, be it a longer stay abroad or a simple weekend away, sometimes even as little as one great night out in a foreign town, you know those times won’t ever come back. It won’t feel the same no matter how hard you try.

And while that’s good in one way - because it makes room for something new and exciting — it still always makes me sad to think of it in another.

I love my memories. I admire them.

Going through scrapbooks and photo files, watching old videos and reading old journals… But at the same time, it cracks open the wounds and makes my heart bleed over again. Every single time.

Someone I used to know really well, once told me:

“It’s better to have loved and feel hurt than to never have felt the love at all.”

It’s good even to have something to miss at all and that I should rather smile and laugh at the memories then cry about it being over.

And he was right, but sometimes it’s just so hard…

I won’t stop making new memories.

I will try to stay open to new connections and experiences.

I don’t ever want to close up, just because I’m fearing the goodbye.

But it isn’t always easy, and sometimes I wonder, for how much longer I can keep this crazy fast-paced life up.

