The Kanye West Presidency That Could Have Been But Never Was

In the wake of the ‘College Drop Out’ rapper receiving 0 electoral college votes and dropping out of the presidential race — let’s take a look at what America missed out on.

Brian Brewington
Journal of Journeys
6 min readNov 6, 2020


Photo by Joshua Woroniecki on Unsplash

For starters, let me give credit where it’s due. As ridiculous as the whole charade of Kanye’s campaign may have been, running for president takes — something. And apparently, Kanye West has that something.

Not only did he run, but he managed to convince a completely ineffective yet still absolutely noteworthy amount of people to cast their vote for him — picking up a total of over 50,000 votes in ten states I was able to find verified information on via

Sure, not nearly enough to pick up a single electoral vote, of which a candidate needs 270 of in order to win the presidency — but hey, he may have genuinely impacted what is being dubbed as the most important election of our lifetime, with America’s very soul on the line, given the tight nature of it even well over twelve hours after the last polling place in the country closed.

So there’s that, at least. Remaining true to his narcissistic, self-centered, and egomaniacal driven brand, he found a way to use his…



Brian Brewington
Journal of Journeys

Writing About the Human Condition, via My Thoughts, Observations, Experiences, and Opinions — Founder of Journal of Journeys and BRB INC ©