The Problems With People Pleasing

Stopping the madness before it spirals out of control.

Brian Kurian
Journal of Journeys


Being liked by our peers is something almost all of us yearn for. I mean come on, who doesn’t want to be liked? I think it’s important, however, to take a step back and ask ourselves at what cost?

At what cost is it to you to have everyone in the room like you?

At what cost is it to you to have strangers think you’re cool and fun to be around?

At what cost is it to your self-respect when you start losing sight of who you really are just so you can fit in with the crowd?

Getting Bullied Made Me Want To Fit In Even More

Photo by Kat J on Unsplash

Getting bullied in 7th and 8th grade made me feel like I didn’t belong anywhere and when you are that young, it’s easy to hate being an outcast. When I was 12 and 13 years old, I had no idea yet what kind of a man I would grow up to be.

I thought I needed everyone to like me in order to achieve anything in life.

During these times in my life, I genuinely hated myself and wanted nothing more than to fit in…

