We Are Human, But Are We Humane?

Tina Viju
Journal of Journeys
6 min readOct 6, 2018


I have pondered this eternal question much. We will often turn our lens to the world to answer it.

Just look at the news, look at the Kavanaughs, the Weinsteins, the Trumps, look at the wars, look at the oppression, look at the cruelty…. just look at how people have treated me.”

We will shake our heads pathetically and say -

But do we turn the lens inwards and examine our very own conscience before we answer this question ?

Does darkness or light reside in the deep abyss of our souls?

If I scanned the trenches of my being,it would be like a scene out of the Titanic. It would be pretty dark and murky down there. I would need to dive in with floodlights.

Have I hurt the ones who love me - Check

Has pride got the better of me often- Check

Have I been a hypocrite judging others while being blind to my own deeds?-Check

Has envy ,anger and hate twisted me inside out- Double Check



Tina Viju
Journal of Journeys

Cancer geek . Lover of words & fried rice . Memory Keeper