What Is Chiropractic?

Journal of Journeys
4 min readMay 1, 2024


A Touch Somatics healing tool

Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

I have been doing Bodywork, Hands-on Healing, and Massage for almost half-a century.

I even wrote a bestselling book about the subject Massage…

Often when people speak of natural healing, alternative medicine, or functional medicine the pieces of the holistic puzzle that are left out are Bodywork, hands-on healing, Massage, movement re-education

Generally speaking, when we speak of Touch Somatics we are referring to…

· Massage and Bodywork (the manipulation of the body’s soft tissues, or the adjustment of bones),

· Movement re-education (Also called Somatic therapy, this involves becoming aware of when our bodies are telling us we’re stressed or triggered, like with muscle tension, or shallow breathing. Somatic therapy also involves learning how to discharge or calm tension, stress, and trauma),

· Healing Touch (the balancing of energy (qi).

… we are speaking of techniques that are usually applied with:



Journal of Journeys

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