Reader’s Point of view- Your feedback and FAQ

Jairam R Prabhu
Journal of Knowledge
7 min readMar 17, 2020

Welcome back to my blogs!!

Instead of writing my point of view, I have decided to dedicate this article to you readers, who have been constantly supporting me for more than a year now.

I had taken a feedback poll a few months back; thank you for the overwhelming feedback. I certainly believe that I haven’t disappointed you from then. Here I will be discussing those responses and will be giving you my take on that as well. I won’t be going through the detailed explanation of each and every response, but I will be clubbing similar responses and giving an appropriate reply.

Q1- How often do you like to read my blogs?

There was a stalemate between, weekly and monthly. So I decided to keep it once in a fortnight!

Q2- How many articles you have read?

Got all set of responses, good to see that at least everyone has read one.

Q3- What is one thing you like about my blog?

Nice writing style, from a student’s perspective, in-depth and clarity of the post, language and style, detailed content, matured to the point, diversity, vocabulary, spend proper time for research and take time for presenting it, relatable, informative, your awareness, specific details, abstract use of language, extrapolated, honest, the normal one, proper chronological flow, no use of fancy words- made it simple and easy to understand, only what is required for the reader is conveyed, most of them are personal experiences, a guide to juniors, simplicity.

Thank you so much for the positive response, I will try to keep these intact when I write for future too.

Q4- What do you dislike about my blog?

Could skip topics, need citations, making more professional, avoid politics, most of them are serious issues and I don’t like them, not important details, no time to read everything, a lengthy post.

To my shock, no of dislikes conveyed is less because it was less filled up, but nevermind. So, I have improved from the articles which I wrote then on. I have added more pictures, made it graphical, took measures to reduce errors (we are humans, can’t say that they are 100% great).

Coming about lengthy post- I add something which is only required, I have never felt that I have added something which shouldn’t be there. On net, you find both short and long posts, but they may not have essential details or analysis. I add both, this is the peculiarity of my blog. You will never find an article say like art 370 so much simplified and to the point. At maximum also, you can finish it reading within 10–12 minutes.

I’m a person who started writing from politics and there is no way I can give up on it. It is just like asking an athlete to give up running.

My journals are purely informal, while all the others are formal.

Q5- What else do you like to read?

More on changing political environment, MUN related, just keep writing, relevant issues, showing the mirror to readers, movie reviews, shout-outs to people who helped you every week, emotions, tech, sports, GK, puns, about yourself.

So, thank you again, for filling out this column. So, I have made a lot of writings, on politics and will surely keep doing more, please do slide down my profile for the articles. For MUN related stuff- I have done them, but primarily please to go to munnersdaily/mun. I run the page, you have everything there. About movies, I am not so a movie geek, its neither my area of expertise, so I will it for others to take upon.

I have started a journal series, which includes things about myself. I even take this article as about myself :P.

Q6- Rate the blog

Got a good number of 4 stars, couple of 5 stars and 3 stars, and also a 2 star.

Q7- Will you suggest my blog to others

Truly thank you guys, please do share and make sure knowledge is truly spreading in all directions.



SO these were your responses, I hope I will not disappoint you guys, I accept all criticism wholeheartedly and will work to present my articles in a way it is useful to everyone.

If you guys still have any responses, please do send it in the comment box below or via social media.

Before, ending my article, I felt the need to make somethings clear about me and my blog. Also, some had been continuously asking me various questions, and queries which I have answered in FAQ format below.

Do you write only on Medium for Blogs?

Nope, I mainly write on Quora, but I had shifted to compete to the latest trend, blogging as per readers. I write about campus issues on YouthKiAwaaz, Politics on Quora and Generic stuff on Medium. Haven’t left Quora though.

How do you spend your time?

Mostly I stick on with the laptop. I like reading news and gaining knowledge. I use Social media like FB, Telegram and Youtube mainly for News, blogs and good content. I use Youtube for The Lallantop News, the best Hindi Online News in India, Science channels, Food and Travel vlogs, Comedy Shows, then info videos like RLL, Vox, CTC, etc. Apart from screen time- I like to read books. I cook and eat too :). Do DM me for the links of YT channels.

Also being editor of MUNner’s daily, I review and edit others’ articles and schedule them. Also, I write and store articles for myself.

How do you get time to write a lot and publish even before exams?

One article every two weeks is the commitment I made and I am sticking to it. Whether I write before exams- (Obviously I do)… I don’t publish on the day before the exam, but the last one was a surprise as it came from a publication and not from my end. The answer is- it was already drafted and kept scheduled. You don’t have to manually publish it. I always have at least 5 articles in the draft at a time.

Should I start an account on Medium and start writing? Will I have to take membership?

Yes, you are always welcome to start a blog on Medium and write. You don’t have to pay for Medium unless you need a premium membership. Premium membership is only useful for avid readers on medium.

Why should you read my blogs?

The main attraction of my blog itself is its variety of content, which you won’t find elsewhere on any blog. For every blog I write with hard work and dedication, to present the facts. A large amount of research goes into its making. Making you people aware of things happening around is an objective and to bind people with facts and not emotional takeaways. So the only thing I expect from this is not money, but that you people should read it, love it and share it. (Articles on 370, CAA got good feedback, people got the awareness)

Do you get paid for what you write?

Till today I haven’t received a single penny for my blogs. I do it for the love of writing. Although for OnManorama, I get a small remuneration (It’s not so big anyway) for articles published.

How do you reach out to a wide audience?

While coming to sharing, I make use of Whatsapp Broadcast which helps me reach out to over 200+ (Now it’s around 120+) people at a single click. Regularly post them on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Telegram. I make well use of statistics and analysis of broadcast reach. Everything from what I write, to sharing; works on basic psychology which every writer makes.




If you are liking my blogs and in search of useful content keep following me. Do follow my new publication. You can drop in your feedback either in the comments sections or reach out to me on Social Media- FB Messenger| Instagram|Quora|YKA. For my old posts do scroll down my profile page. Thank you! for continuing to support me.



Jairam R Prabhu
Journal of Knowledge

Blogger|Podcaster|Student|Engineer|Content Writing. Writes on Science, Elections, Technology, Politics, International Relations|Runs Journal of Knowledge