Let’s remember Ken Schram, who died on this day in 2014 (May 29)

Chris Burlingame
Journal of Precipitation
2 min readMay 29, 2019

Imagine, for a moment, that Howard Beale was an actual person: a raving television personality that is “mad as hell and not going to take it anymore.” That person would probably look a lot like Ken Schram, the longtime KOMO broadcaster who died five years ago today.

KOMO’s obituary says:

Ken Schram was a part of the KOMO family for 35 years working as a reporter, commentator, host, and radio personality before retiring two years ago. He passed away Thursday afternoon at the age of 66 with his family by his side.

Ken had been battling an internal infection for the past several months. His wife Sandi was at his side night and day since he fell ill. Ken told her every day of their 44 years together that she was the love of his life.

Ken was brash and opinionated. He was a devilish practical joker, known for his nicknames and his no-holds-barred sense of humor.

And that was only the beginning.

There is a 4th floor deck outside the news director’s office at KOMO. It’s against the rules to smoke there. Everybody knows that.

And for that reason alone, it was Ken Schram’s favorite place to light up. He was like that.

Schram positioned himself as an outspoken truth-speaker and regularly gave out bobbleheads of himself to people he thought did something stupid, like enforce anti-discrimination policies. He was a crank and an asshole, but a popular and recognizable crank and asshole.

For further reading:



Chris Burlingame
Journal of Precipitation

Seattleite, (mostly) retired arts/culture blogger. Come for the Seinfeld references, stay for the Producers references.