Let’s remember when dangerous psychopath Maurice Clemmons murdered four Lakewood police officers, on this day in 2009 (November 29)

Chris Burlingame
Journal of Precipitation
2 min readNov 29, 2019

This is one of the most horrible things that has ever happened in the Pacific Northwest.

From HistoryLink and Jim Kershner:

On November 29, 2009, four officers of the Lakewood Police Department are shot and killed by ex-convict Maurice Clemmons (1972–2009) in a coffeeshop near Tacoma. Clemmons has a history of violence, incarceration, and mental instability and is out on bail for rape of a child and assault. He has recently expressed a desire to kill police officers. Four Lakewood officers — Sgt. Mark Renninger (1970–2009), Officer Tina Griswold (1969–2009), Officer Ronald “Ronnie” Owens (1971–2009), and Officer Greg Richards (1967–2009) — meet that morning in a coffeeshop just outside the Lakewood city limits. Clemmons walks in, walks up to a table where three of the officers are sitting, and, without warning, shoots Griswold and Renninger in the head. After a struggle, Clemmons shoots Owens in the head as well. Richards, who is at the counter ordering coffee, shoots Clemmons in the torso but Clemmons grabs the pistol and shoots Richards. All four officers die at the scene; Clemmons flees to a waiting truck. A massive manhunt ensues. Two days later, Benjamin Kelly, a lone Seattle police officer, will confront Clemmons on a Seattle residential street and, when Clemmons attempts to pull a gun, will shoot him dead.

Clemmons, it should be noted, was serving a 108 year sentence in Arkansas before Governor Mike Huckabee commuted his sentence. A Republican letting a felon out of prison early to later go on a murder spree in a blue state is the ultimate act of “owning the libs.” He should be proud.




Chris Burlingame
Journal of Precipitation

Seattleite, (mostly) retired arts/culture blogger. Come for the Seinfeld references, stay for the Producers references.