Anna Gibbs
Journalism 375 Section 1
1 min readApr 20, 2016


Jour 375 4/13/16 Project

I interviewed sophomore Casey Turner, who told me about an airport mishap that resulted from severe jet lag.

Casey Turner, of Springfield, Virginia, is a member of Kappa Alpha Theta’s Fall 2015 pledge class.
Turner, inspired by her travels to foreign countries, decided to major in International Studies.
Turner says her dream job is to be the President or an ambassador to France.
Turner is a musician, playing flute in both high school and college band.
Turner has traveled to England, France, South Africa, Italy, Turkey and Brazil. She says her favorite place is Paris.



Anna Gibbs
Journalism 375 Section 1

Faith is to be awake, and to be awake is for us to think, and for us to think is to be alive. I met Usher once {KAΘ•Ole Miss}