Project 3

Jessica Moore
Journalism 375 Section 1
1 min readApr 26, 2016

The assignment for this project was to do a pre-interview with our main subject for our final project and make five environmental portraits of this person with captions added.

Kendrick Wallace, 20, teaches Hip Hop Rebs on Thursdays at the Turner Center. He started Hip Hop Rebs last semester as a sophomore along with three other co-captains on his team.
Aside from dancing, Wallace is a Community Assistant at Campus Walk. One of his duties includes painting flower pots at Campus Walk events, which works out with his obsession of collecting plants in his room.
On most nights, one will always catch Wallace studying in the backroom of the Campus Walk office. This is where he feels is best when it comes to disciplining himself to complete his work.
Kendrick and his friend, Tanner, attend the NEEDTOBREATHE Grove concert, even though they are not familiar with the artist.
In his free-time, Wallace works on his choreography. He is a choreographer and dancer for Ole Miss Student Dance. This is a piece he is working on for next semester.

