Life Through the Eyes of an Ole Miss Student

Ana Martinez
Journalism 375 Section 2
2 min readMar 9, 2016
Don’t let the words on the side of the bus fool you! Riding the bus to and from campus can be an easy way to travel. Especially when you don’t have a parking decal.
Waiting on the bus at the bus stop can be a perfect time to sit and reflect. Listening to music works too.
Watch your step and hang on tight! It’s going to be a bumpy ride!
It’s nice to enjoy the cool morning air after being packed on a bus like a bunch of sardines.
Two students talk about their upcoming essays while walking to their next class in Bondurant.
Students, bow down to your over lord! The podium, where every teacher begins his/her class.
Student, Sophie, trying to finish the homework that’s not due until tomorrow.
“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” -E.E. Cummings
Students coming and going to the Student Union for a bite to eat or a cup of coffee. Some times they just go there to socialize.
A stroll through the Grove can make anyone feel like a champion. Something to tell the grandkids one day…or maybe your friends.
A student patiently waiting to walk across the street. In the mean time, she can listen to Willie, the crossing guard, sing his heart out.
Jared Cox bringing his study time A game. He’s got his thinking cap on, his cell phone on silent, and a look of intense concentration that can put anyone to shame.
A student going over some slides for class. Neither looks too impressed with each other.
On the Ole Miss campus, students walk the walk and talk the talk.
That moment when your buddy is out of step and it makes the entire group look bad…#squadgoalfails

