VR Diaries: Commercials Interrupt Immersive Experience in ‘Pearl Harbor’ Story

The most powerful part of viewing the Pearl Harbor virtual reality experience was when I was in the museum and I could see the historical images pertaining to this event. The weakest part were the commercials in between the experience. They were very distracting and took away from the overall piece. I remember being underneath the plane and flying in the sky while the pilots were talking back and forth. The constant flying in the sky did not help the story. I felt the story was boring and that I would have enjoyed it better at the museum or if I went to the actual memorial site.

Technically, however, this was probably one of the better experiences. The quality of the experience was the best aspect. The storytelling was not bad, but it was confusing at times to keep going from the museum to the flying sequences. For future virtual reality stories, I would make sure not to have commercials in the middle and I would find a way to tell the story better than a museum could have done.

I had high expectations for this experience because it was about Pearl Harbor, but I was very disappointed. I expected to see more re-enactments or even see the survivors instead of listening to their voices randomly talking in the story. I wanted to read a little more about Pearl Harbor after this story, because I felt I did not really learn more information about the event.

