Bots, or Not to Bot

johnny Benavides
Journalism and Society
2 min readApr 15, 2019

By Johnny Benavides

Photo by Franck V. on Unsplash

Technology has continued to affect everything in the social order humans conduct themselves since the time we were able to make fire in order to better civilization.

Technology is constantly changing everything we know and hold dearly. To think that AI and robots are not going to evolve and continue disturb society in ways that can be very helpful and harmful is foolish. As a civilization humans build in order to simplify existing, but that also kind makes everything a bit more troublesome. Technology has always affected society in political, economy, and class. People with money are alway have the most technology, Any civilization, empire who was in control had the most technology sound equipment to suppress its citizens.

To think that the technology just now gaining the strength to affect elections is quite near sighted to recent effects. While very scary, the power of bots ability to zone in on on users of popular websites in order to customize what the users sees in order to keep them long on the site for revenue is not shocking.

In the Machine Learning- AP Report, the quote “just imagine that algorithms are doing the same but instead of taking three years to learn how a person’s facial expression is communicating a certain emotion, machine-learning algorithm go through thousands of images at once and try to categorize them”, is troubling thought of how fast humans are being analyzed. Its is not taking years of therapy to get the essences of their humanity, but instantaneously through their social media activity. Technology has helped regimes of power from the beginning of time, so looking into the future of only the spread of fake news is seems very limiting. The power of the internet is very much capable of the creating horrible ideas of truth.

I do believe that the internet is capable and has already brought tragedies into this world. Humans for the most part are easily influenced to committing horrible acts towards each other, with little to no thought if their leader has enough charisma. Now the idea of an algorithms designed to personalize your views, the concept of horrible and dangerous ideas travelling to a person who’s willing to hurt others.

I am very much a pessimist I do believe the way the world will be hurt more by AI or bots, unfortunately the repercussion from bots will fall on the back of black, brown, poor, gay, and disabled people. Effects will always first hurt those who can’t defend themselves, then the “allies” could try to “help” by having peacefully discourse with the enemy the feel like they’re victims when approached by the actual victims. Their passiveness and discourse kills and they are accountable for genocide.

