Critiques of objectivity in media

Emmanuel Perilla
Journalism and Society
2 min readNov 12, 2018

By Emmanuel Perilla

I agree with this post because objectivity is upheld as being impartial and seeing the whole truth but many times people simply use the term to justify those in power and those who have privilege.

This post is valid because there are many times when mainstream media does not cover significant facts that will hugely affect many people in society. It shows that the journalism industry isn’t doing its job really if a report that affects the public isn’t getting coverage.

I think this post shows how tricky objectivity can be when it comes to journalists and media professionals. I do think Mark Knoller was correct in pointing out the slander Donald Trump directed toward media organizations. I don’t think using the word “vicious” is him being too subjective; journalists are not supposed to be neutral, they are supposed to tell the truth.

This posts shows that objectivity is often times confused for being completely neutral. The CNN reporter who got fired for sympathizing with Syrian refugees wasn’t going against journalistic principles by emphasizing with them. Journalists are not supposed to be neutral they are supposed to deal with the truth of a situation.

I agree with this post because Joseph Pulitzer didn’t believe that being a journalist meant having no opinion or having no commitment to anyone. He stressed that the job of the journalist is really to serve society and the public by criticizing powerful institutions and essentially keeping democracy alive by keeping people informed on the things that affect their lives.

