Design Thinking Future of Journalism Entrepreneurship

Somayya safa
Journalism and Society
3 min readDec 20, 2018

By Somayya Safa

photo via NNGROUP

Journalism has been around for decades. It has influenced not only the media but it also allowed people to obtain an opinion on how to perceive both sides of a story.

It’s not something new where the journalism industry has taken a toll.

Due to advancement in technology and the rise of social media, journalism is being misused for its true authenticity.

With the rise of fake news, people are being misinformed about whom to trust and where to get their sources from.

With society changing and believing less in the truth of reporting and more on false biased news, it’s changing the way of what was once traditionally the original way of reporting.

It’s not questioning the role of journalism today because journalism is still needed, but how can journalism's stand out apart from how the media influences news and how to adapt to such changes to draw in an understanding of what an audience wants.

It is believed that entrepreneurial journalism will shape the future of journalism.

So what does entrepreneurial journalism mean?

For one’s understanding entrepreneurship is related to business and it’s a need when you include journalism, it’s a combination of having both the skills and the mind of a business person.

To organize and promote ideas and designs to help create and bring one’s vision to life and to think and write as a journalist at the same time.

In reference to “Entrepreneurial Journalism”, many companies are tuning into design sprints.

Design sprints is a five-phase process that tests new ideas and give us the skills to develop a business strategy. It’s a design thinking process that allows us to build a map of ideas for our product and to the company. Where we research and ask the most important challenging questions about our ideas to solve the issue of a problem.

Then we take in the notes and define how we can find a solution for our concept in order to present our ideas and decide on what will work to go forward with what will benefit the future of the industry. And what whatever input that was decided on will be tested before it will be presented.

Change will always be the cause of reason for professions to look further and deeper into the issues of what threatens their profession and to find ways to further develop progress to help the industry for decades to come.

Our future will always make us question the need to re-evaluate and re-learn, how to adapt to these constant changes and to look into the depth of the reality we live in. The reality of our society is always reinventing with new concepts to help solutions and ideas to help further advance our careers and questioning professions and other traditional media outlets.

Due to the advancement of technology the future appears to make traditional journalism into a technical approach rather than what journalism has always been for decades. This not only pushes out traditional but it makes space for change but also holds a very unintentionally strategy which makes journalism concept reinvented in the changes that surround them.

