Future Featuring Journalism

johnny Benavides
Journalism and Society
2 min readMay 6, 2019

By Johnny Benavides

Photo by Himesh Kumar Behera on Unsplash

Journalism is facing a crisis, how can it stay relevant and necessary.

The industry is facing many uphill battles in being relevant source of information. I believe the problem with journalism is how we as people believe the obvious bias writing, and the how it always seems as a battle for something that just gets spun out into needless things that get people upset.

Clickbait is annoying trick journalist use to get views but it’s interesting and desperate attempt for attention not worth even looking at, just a shameful embarrassing act for notoriety which is pitiful. The way we can help journalism in this area is getting the product being sold having worth, substance will always be needed because without substance whatever is being written is just a waste of time.

As well for journalism to stay relevant for the next decade the role of people has to become more of an influence in the newsroom, the lack of diversity in newsroom is what is killing the field. The white boys room is something nobody of color wants to be in, and hiding diversity by just adding white women to create a smokescreen of still keeping the room white and oppressing people of color of their talents and insight on material on subjects a white person can’t talk about because of lack of knowledge.

New business models like The Correspondent a company who’s started in 2013, who has committed to shunning advertisements (DePinto,2019). Which is a great it’s like a streaming service of thinkpiece. A netflix of news without commercials, where getting information isn’t also packed with ads.

The allocation of resources for local journalism to give stories with no ads has a better accessibility to make sure what they’re reading is not interrupted. Technology will play a major role in this for journalism, in the Machine Learning- AP Report, the quote “just imagine that algorithms are doing the same but instead of taking three years to learn how a person’s facial expression is communicating a certain emotion, machine-learning algorithm go through thousands of images at once and try to categorize them”(AP Report).

The companies are already stealing information they should at least should be able to keep up with what the people need to know not just what to sell. The future of journalism is an unknown enigma at this point, we don’t know where it can be going but maybe that is good thing. Maybe the standard of what journalism is outdated and staying in the past is limiting us on what journalism can be.

