Journalism And Society

Denis Johnson
Journalism and Society
2 min readMay 8, 2019

By Denis Johnson

Photo by Artem Maltsev Via Unsplash

There are a few things that I believe that can make journalism stay relevant and necessary. One of them is having some sort of creativity in your writing. As a journalist you have the platform to be very thoughtful and creative.

“Imagination is not only the uniquely human capacity to envision that which is not, and therefore, the foundation of all invention and innovation. In its arguably most transformative and revelatory capacity, it is the power that enables us to empathize with humans whose experiences we never shared.” -J.K Rowling.

Being able to throw out an idea is very helpful for the viewing public such as advisors or investors. The viewing public will view your ideas as thoughtful and creative.

Times are changing especially in journalism and there are different ways that the audience wants to receive their news. The days of print media is almost dead. The public can receive their news in different kinds of ways. Instead of going to the corner store and buying a newspaper to read such as the New York Post or The Daily News, you can go on your cellphone, computer or laptop to checkout the news on their website.

Another way that journalism can stay relevant is by a journalist posting up a news story on a social media site such as twitter. I think that’s helpful because you can build a following. Most people use social media to communicate these days and check on other tweets and posts. By putting up a story on their social media site it will gain interest from the public.

A journalist has a better chance at doing that then writing a story in a newspaper and having someone pay for it. You can engage your audience that way and they may even respond with a positive comment. The audience can feel real connected to the journalist that way. They would feel like they are also reporting the story as well.

The final way that journalism can stay relevant is by the journalist being honest with their reporting. There’s no other way that can turn an audience off if they find out that a journalist is making up a story.

As a journalist you want to have credible sources and make sure you quote the person you are reporting on accurately. If you are reporting fake news and the public finds than all your credibility is thrown out of the window. It will be hard for someone to take any future reporting that you do seriously.

