Journalism Today

johnny Benavides
Journalism and Society
2 min readFeb 12, 2019

By Johnny Benavides

Photo by Aniruddha Bhattacharya on Unsplash

Today the world of journalism is vastly different from those of prior decades before the 2000’s.

With the advancements of the internet and the lightning speed which it operates at, the world transmits information from all corners of the world. Journalists are able to spread vital information at a moment notices. The news has advanced from just print, the digital age has come to question the establishment or hide truths.

While the advance of information is a great thing, trouble comes along with it. Lying and withholding information or just targeting bias views from writers seems to be bigger than ever, maybe due to the hundreds of outlets available. I don’t know how much change journalism has now from the 1990’s or 1980’s.

But I believe now I think journalism should just have no aligning sides, just facts about the events that a occur. My problem with much I’ve seen is people pushing their own agenda. Like the Colin Kaepernick protest about the police, was changed to be a protest of the anthem which never was said but it fit the narrative to not pay him and rid him of the NFL. The NFL tried to solve the issue by targeting him into an unpatriotic jerk.

Journalism is supposed to document and speak for those who aren’t being heard to spread their message, to protect average humans who hold no political power or real power to create change in order to create change. Journalism and Journalist as cliche as it is, are here to give them a voice to the voiceless. But it seems to help those in power because of the wealth they already accumulated.

In a perfect world, journalism for 2019 would be a safe journey that many journalists who lost their lives would have not. Journalists would not fear for their lives and be able to depict the very real horrors of this cursed world without repercussion of their lives. The truth would be spread in a no bias way were us as an audience isn’t forced to choose sides. Not sure if any organizations are doing this or anything close to it, integrity isn’t something much have in corporations.

