News is dead, and now it’s getting buried

Jarrod Benn
Journalism and Society
2 min readMar 2, 2019

By Jarrod Benn

The business methods that are used in order to fund modern journalism are the same things that decrease the trust that the public has in these media publications.

All employees at news outlets are now trapped into contributing to their own downfall in order to make any sort of profit nowadays. Most modern journalism companies are in this weird position where on some days there is good and objective journalism going on and on most days they are undermining the trust that had been previously gained for their publication in order to make some dollars.

We are in a day and age where the truth seems not to matter as much as it did in the past, and when it does matter there are arguments over which truth is more credible or believable. The internet and mainly social media have made opinions matter more than facts, we are in a time that allows us as people to communicate our thoughts whether they are fact or opinion almost limitlessly to a very broad audience.

One of the biggest contributions to the downfall of news, in general, has to be the term coined by our most controversial president in history, “fake news”.

This term holds weight when thinking about the journalistic practices of today. Nowadays stories are backed up by mostly opinion and taken in by the public as fact. This affects current journalism mainly because they are the ones publishing the heavily opinionated stories as if they are backed up by any evidence.

In this modern age of journalism, publications are seemingly manipulating the public to go against each other. There are major televised news sources that are purposely directing their content towards a specific audience’s political beliefs while talking down on the opposing sides beliefs. Fox news and CNN are two well respected and trusted news sources who are guilty of playing into the tension of today's political climate.

