Newspapers, printing, and digital can intertwine

Fatima Velasquez
Journalism and Society
2 min readFeb 18, 2019

By Fatima A. Velasquez

Image credit Jeff Bezos: Flicker user James Duncan Davidson / printing press: Flicker user Marion Doss

I am sure many remember with nostalgia — Sunday mornings – reading the newspaper. I recalled, as a child, my parents giving us the comics to read, everyone had a piece of the action. After reading, he used to ask a question about what we had read, at times he used to select topics an discuss with us. Reading the Sunday newspaper became part of our family routine a quality time.

The journalism business, with the new era of technology, social media podcast, etc has damaged the business over the years, closing many newspaper print plants after years of publication, affecting the jobs of thousands of people in the industry.

On the other hand, people with lots of experience had stayed, “this problem was coming” many saw it coming, a friend was an owner of a community newspaper company for many years; he explains why he had no choice to closed his newspaper business, he stayed one the cost of operations was high, payroll, taxes etc. they could not compete with prices on advertising, business clients they used to advertise with his paper, will go to advertising company for less money, very hard times.

According to a recent study by the Pew Research Center, 36% of U.S Newspapers jobs were cut since 2017. The recent mergers of Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, buying The Washington Post was a great move, to reinvent a help survive the Post, as print revenues continue to drop.

The clever part is to use what he has with Amazon his online member, and the technical infrastructure designed to promote and distribute all kinds of goods and services, keeping people coming back. Amazon has a great customer service experience on the web, personally, I had bought many books for cheaper prices no charges on the delivery, this particular way of doing business, it could help the Post, to intertwined with Amazon given the Post readers incentives and every item they buy thru Amazon and share your experiences.

I just hope the new mergers to save the newspaper business will pay off because at the end the successfulness of The Post and other newspaper business will create more jobs, more hires more writer, for our future journalist of tomorrow.

