
johnny Benavides
Journalism and Society
3 min readApr 1, 2019

By Johnny Benavides


Here is a example of a call of objectivity being called to question, but the outcry for truth is seems to fall short when the truth is being reported. Commonly like his Father the Don Jr shouts his ignorant voice that the media subjugates his family for personal reasons. It might seem hard to look at criticism from an objective view on oneself, but being a person with power comes with criticism especially when your family is a direct with the deaths of many and the raise of white supremacy creating a divide in the nation and world. Calling an objective criticism faux objectivity then call out the writers as “raging libs” is also very funny to me, because it is a childish way of defending themselves. I don’t agree with the coward he must see that his family has made decision that have hurt and kill people. And at most they’ll receive bad words said about them.

David Rothkopf confronts the belief of objectivity from sources and they can be double sided. While the Mueller Report did not get Trump an indictment, the outreach from the right called for an objective leaning toward them from journalist since their president “isn’t guilty”. We still know that there is more coming forward. But all this is propaganda for the upcoming election which he is going to run for office, and why not use an investigation against him that didn’t harm him as press. The Barr summary is a tool to hide and maneuver the truth from the public and make it seem as a objective view but actually is a propagated tactic utilize for their benefit. I agree that many sources can manipulate itself to seem that they have the best interest at mind but in reality they have they agenda to hand out.

MP Betty Nambooze calls for the objective voice to be spoken in African nations. But understands the why many hold their tongues when speaking on their government. While being a privilege in the United States many countries around the world do not have the luxury of being a critical towards the government without retaliation from said government. That being said many journalist who are in places where if they were to be murdered it will not be a norm, have a responsibility to those who’ve sacrificed their lives for the truth. With the use of objectivity view change can occur. I agree that objectivity in politics is important. The criticism of government is very need in order to establish change against an unlawful government.

ArianaGic makes a valid point of how this belief of having an “objective” view to distribute to mass can be harmful. Show both sides might seem like a good decision more often than not but at what point is it wrong when one side inherently evil. When the side with power commits genocide, starve, sergrate or wants these powers when does showing their viewpoints the right thing to do. Never that’s the answer, getting across horrible opinions they will get people murdered is never the right choice. Hearing both sides comes with a cost at the end of the day, sometimes it’s the lives of innocent bystanders. I totally agree with her, believe people will not fall for propaganda is mornic. Propaganda has been an efficient tactic to changes people minds into fighting wars and enslaving people why give that sort of rhetoric any light. Its harmful and dangerous.

David Lo Pun-ch Nazis brings and valid point of that needs to be said of an objectivity brought on from white people to people of color. Not to shocking but many white journalist use their “objective” view to criticise cultural from the people of color, But use their protective blanket of objectivity as proof their aren’t racist. Which doesn’t prove anything other than if you have no prior knowledge to a certain cultural and that you’re wasting your and our time, why write about it. Other than policing Black & Brown lives. I agree with the gentleman, I will admit to not trusting a white person who opinion on cultural that isn’t their own in a negative light. If your opinion on People of colors culture isn’t understood or you’ve avoid it, ask yourself why would anybody want to hear you speak on it. Its white privilege to believe that your opinion is needed when nobody asked for it.

