Paper and The Dollar

johnny Benavides
Journalism and Society
2 min readFeb 18, 2019


By Johnny Benavides

Photo by Thomas Charters on Unsplash

Journalism and business have become an intertwined, from the start of press. Having a product that is demanded by the masses would go hand in hand capitalist system.

The Associated Press for example five of New York’s top newspaper outlets combine resources to form a conglomerate. While the Associated Press is still a powerhouse in journalism today, we must not forget how they started – by pooling in money from different news organizations to create a more than well-funded corporation to have the most intel, to deliver to the people. And not for moral integrity but for financial gain, where else could I go for news besides a company that is getting more information, has more sources scattered around, services are faster and more update?

So the game of moral responsibility is always outweighed by the dollar. But as times have changed the regular the old system of print journalism is becoming more and more irrelevant by the day. With the technological advancements in society coming faster and faster, print will become obsolete.

But the news industry is a bought system of what is released for public knowledge. Money interferes with the truth and to believe it is not a dumb mistake we should not make.

Like in “The Disease of Objectivity” by Chris Hedges, “Our elites oversaw the dismantling of the country’s manufacturing base and the betrayal of the working class with the passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement, and the press dutifully trumpeted this a form of growth.”

The understatement of the press following suit and making an excuse for big corporations with big money holding a float with a market seemingly less to hold them to less of a standard.

“Our elites deregulated the banking industry, leading the nationwide bank collapses, and the press extolled the value of the free market. Our elite corrupted the lever of power to advance the interests of corporations, and the press naively conflated freedom with the free market.”

With these big corporations having a seemingly endless amount of money to funnel lobbyist and to enact laws that feeds their greed, why wouldn’t giving money to newspapers or other news outlets to work for their favor.

Hell, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos bought the Washington Post, I don’t think we are going to get the negative effects of their deal from New York – now canceled, thank god. But even after the deal was stopped many outlets still don’t mention that the headquarters was getting a 4 billion tax break, The most profitable business on the planet. Business and journalism go hand in hand – journalism is a business profits are the number one objective.

