
Somayya safa
Journalism and Society
3 min readOct 29, 2018

By Somayya Safa

Photo via 123RF.

I can only speak of myself about how many times, I almost fell into the trap of deceiving into believing something that’s too good to be true.

In general that’s just how our mind is set we get affected into being lured into believing in something that’s not true to begin with because, of its influence on us.

We see what we believe in and we follow through without acknowledgment or insight as to why we even bother to give it a purpose to begin with. Propaganda has both positive and negative impact on our society and it’s been around for decades.

If anything, it seems to be more problematic today in our society more than ever.

With the rise of today’s media and technology, our society is exposed into being misinformed about fake news more than the truth itself. It’s a long going issue that’s been drastically rising into misleading people who can’t tell the difference between fake or truth. Although professional journalist are fighting for their authentic purpose, in which they’ve always reported on the truth, now they have to gain their power and earn back the trust of the audience.

They are trying to find ways not only in the mess of fake news but also the decievement of propaganda. I wonder is there’s more to a journalist than reporting, or is today’s society’s opening a new path to add more to the field to fix issues that’s jeopardizing the job of a journalist to educate and give knowledge to people.

They are being challenged by the overpowering shift of social media outlets, where if they are actually reporting the truth. Many people would just overlook past it, instead of taking their time to actually open their mind on educating their self, to recognize the difference between what’s being reported fake and what’s not.

I feel that our society has found its comfort into what moves such behavior, when ever we post or share pictures of something about our opinion or anything on all social media platforms, it has the potential into going viral, whether it being good or bad, that’s how fast it transmits and that’s how fast people react to it.

We are influencing and we are being influenced by the outcomes of what stimulates people’s thoughts, emotions and opinions on certain matters to a degree, where people would actually take action towards their beliefs and believe it.

Propaganda is everywhere whether we like it or not, it’s around us, it controls us and it influences us on a daily basis, especially if we want to believe in it, even when it’s not true, that’s just how some people’s mindset is. It just takes them to another level, where I’m not sure if people can analytically think about what they feel because, they all feel the same type of way towards the same issues, but they also lack to be their own individual when it comes to certain matters of what they are being told.

I’m sure that propaganda can be used towards a positive outlook but, it is more of a virus that leads towards a negative influence.

