The decline of Journalism

Hernan Pacas
Journalism and Society
2 min readMar 18, 2019

By Hernan Pacas

Journalism has gone and continues to go on a decline as many people now see journalism as fake news or heavily biased news. The public has always relied on Journalists to report neutral factual information but with the way that Journalism has changed the public has lost its trust in the news.

Before there was no doubting or questioning if a certain news or reporting was fully accurate as that was the norm and because of that journalism was in its golden age where people respected and relied on journalism to inform them what was happening in the world.

However now with the fake news people have turned away from journalism as they no longer trust it. An example is Fox News who sometimes exaggerate or stretch a story to draw certain reactions. In addition there is a lot of bias in their reporting as they’ll make their preferred candidates and friends look good while doing the opposite for the people they don’t support.

Fox News and other news outlets are breaking the cardinal sin of journalism which is reporting with bias. That has led to many problems in the journalism industry as many newspapers have lost a lot of its employers, and have also suffered in business as less and less people are buying and consuming newspapers.

As the Bureau of Labor Statistics stated “newspaper publishers lost over half their employment from January 2001 to September 2016”.

Another problem in the journalism industry has long been the lack of diversity. The minority groups are always the minorities in these organizations and that is big as because of that these journalism industries are not able to reach certain audiences.

These audiences feel like they’re not represented and therefore their views and perspectives on certain things are not included. For example with the New York Times the statistics on diversity showed that 81% of the newsroom was white, meanwhile 7% were black and 4% were hispanic. In a city as diverse as New York these numbers are shocking and disappointing as one can see that the New York Times is not fully representing the diverse culture of New York.

Journalism is supposed to report and represent all types of people but with the lack of diversity that is not happening and that has led journalism to decline and lose a lot of its audience. It’s also a bad look for the journalism industry who are clearly hiring more whites than minorities and who might not really see diversity as the big issue that it is.

