The Objective Truth- Journalism vs Everybody

Darriel Ortiz
Journalism and Society
2 min readMar 26, 2019

By Darriel Ortiz

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Since the rise of objective reporting in the nineteenth century, objective writing has become the standard for journalism. At the same time, objective reporting has become the one constant critique journalists continue to receive.

James W. Carey’s The Communication Revolution points out objective reporting was initially developed as a commercial tool to target both Democratic and Republican audiences (p.137).

Today, if you are not objective you are criticized by conservatives, who mostly identify as Republicans, and if you are objective you risk losing the interest the liberal or reaching a wider audience.

The non-partisan system of reporting has survived mainly because publications have feared backlash by conservative-backed corporate elites. Professor Robert W. McChesney states in his book The Problem of the Media that conservative critics are backed by financiers with big money and their agenda is to make sure the liberal media is attacked and discredited if they are opposed to big business (p. 111)

As more business owners would identify as conservatives, they would be more favorable to support news media that are Pro-businesses. However, as we have come to realize, journalism can be as diverse and there can co-exist publication that highlight business and political groups as well as those that critique them.

New York times reporter Sopan Deb, in panel discussion Where’s the Line?: Journalists and Objectivity in the Age of President Trump at CUNY school of Journalism points out that objectivity has its place in different publications. The New York Times and Breitbart News are both objective, however they have two different viewpoints.

Journalist who freelance have more liberty to write without being objective. Teen Vogue contributor Lauren Duca has gained a huge following while working for Vogue, however, she notes feeling authentic when she is able to write free of publishers restraints.

While many news media publications may feel objective reporting is the best form, it is important to remember it isn’t the only form. As Lauren Duca reminds us, “neutrality that isn’t committed to verification is a form of distortion.” The important factor is to remain honest and attempt to produce the best work possible.

