Column: Why dogs are the best pet

DreamCatchers Journalism
Journalism at Dreamcatchers
2 min readMar 15, 2021

Author: Jess, DreamCatchers student

For millennia, dogs have been a man’s best friend. In hunter-gatherer times, dogs were one of the most helpful animals, chasing away predators like large cats, helping hunt for food, and keeping guard. Today, humans have a different set of needs, but dogs remain one of the greatest companions in the world.

Because dogs are friendly, increase our exercise, and support us when in trouble, dogs are an ideal pet.

My first reason is that dogs are friendly. Dogs are more friendly than cats or other animals because when you come back from work or school your dog comes and greets you very happily. In contrast, cats just don’t demonstrate that they care if you’re there or not. Dogs are also easy to train and have fun learning — they love to play simple games like throwing a stick away and the dog grabs it and gives it back to you, then you do the process over again.

Furthermore, dogs help you get exercise. Dogs need daily walks every morning and evening, meaning you have to walk as well. Little do you know that you do daily exercise while spending quality time with your dog — and, you can drop some expenses like going to the gym. According to medical experts, exercise releases endorphins, which improves our mental health.

Especially in the pandemic, many people spend less time exercising. Taking a short expedition out into the neighborhood with a dog will help with mental and physical health.

The last reason is that dogs can help or protect you. Dogs can be trained in many different ways to protect you, your home, help disabled or people with medical issues, and help with sincerity and the police.

As you can see, dogs are the best pets. Due to the pandemic, however, many shelters are shutting down so dogs no longer have a place to stay. You could help them by adopting a dog or giving a donation to the shelter.

These are just a few of the many local shelters you could adopt a dog from

Doggie Protective Services:

Pets in Need:

Adoption information in Spanish:

Supporting shelters will not only save a dog’s life, but bring joy into yours as well.

