Game Review: Fortnite

DreamCatchers Journalism
Journalism at Dreamcatchers
1 min readMar 5, 2021

Author: Khalil, DreamCatchers student

Fortnite was released on July 25, 2017. In my experience playing the game, the graphics and frames on it have been really good, and because of those features, I was able to win a lot of games. One thing I really like about the game is how you can create some of the best and coolest things in one game mode, Creative. Creative is a mode where you can either play with other people or on your own, or invite others if you want to play with your friends. For me personally, I play creative fill because there is a nine out of 10 chance you will find a “sweat.”

It’s often that hours pass by easily while playing Fortnite, and for sweats, this happens often. They are experts in the game, and have played probably since the game first came out. I go into Creative fill most of the time to battle the “sweats” so I can learn from their skills and potentially become like them. Sometimes when I play with sweats, I am mostly found defeating them and while doing that, it feels like an accomplishment for me because that means I am improving as a player in the game.

