Facebook just recommended you stop getting your news from their News Feed

Chris A. Williams
Journalism, Deliberated
1 min readJul 1, 2016

Two months ago, Facebook was criticized for suppressing conservative news outlets. Their solution is to show you less news.

In a recent press release, Facebook announced they will be emphasizing posts from friends and family, which ultimately means they will be deemphasizing news. They stated:

“We are not in the business of picking which issues the world should read about.”

The thing is, Facebook is in the business of picking what you see in your News Feed. It is run by their algorithm, and the News Feed ultimately shows you what Facebook wants to show you. They claim that you’re in control, but come on now. You’re not. Their algorithm is.

So I’m going to agree with Facebook on this one. Facebook should not be deciding what issues you read about. Log off and go explore.

