Crisis to Conversation—Episode 4: Recap of the Opening Night Forum

Photo of André Picard via The Globe and Mail website. Photo of Tom Rosenstiel via his website.

On Oct. 22nd and 23rd, the School of Journalism and Communication at Carleton University hosted the 2020 Journalism in the Time of Crisis conference, engaging a global network of experts and journalists to examine the nexus between journalism and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tom Rosenstiel and André Picard were two speakers in attendance.

Rosenstiel is the executive director of the American Press Institute and Picard is a health journalist and columnist with the Globe and Mail.

Together, they spoke at the opening night forum of the conference, discussing the intersection of journalism and COVID-19.

Meral Jamal spoke with Rosenstiel and Picard after the forum, asking them to reflect on the challenges they think journalism is facing, and the changes they think must be made moving forward.

A video of the full panel discussion can be found here.

