Soldering meets reporting at our Journalism of Things Conference 2019. Montage / vgajic/istockphoto

We’ll just say it: Journalism and IoT are a perfect match

Journalism-of-Things Conference 2019. The very first conference dedicated to journalism with sensors


Join 100 pioneers: Meet some of the best IoT media makers and sensor experts. The conference will be no less than a departure into a new world of journalism. Organized by the sensor journalism pioneers Hendrik Lehmann, Jan Georg Plavec, Isabelle Buckow, and Jakob Vicari

Our vision for future journalism will turn into an event for one day. A real journalism conference. We are organizing the first Journalism of the Things Conference in autumn 2019. Tinker, prototype, discuss: Come to Stuttgart!


The Internet of Things is hitting journalism with full force. Sensors provide data for reporting. Networked objects become playout devices. Reporters all over the world are setting out into a new age.


We call telling stories with the help of the Internet of Things the Journalism of Things (JoT). It is not just a variation of data journalism or a new form of old playout equipment or a new control concept with language instead of buttons. It’s about nothing less than the future of storytelling — with sensors and the unlimited possibilities of the Internet of Things.

For whom?

The Journalism of Things Conference 2019 brings together for the first time the makers and planners of the new journalism, decision-makers from editorial offices and technology partners in one place. The space is limited: 100 journalists will have the opportunity to participate. International top speakers and pioneers will provide a glimpse behind the scenes of their projects. How do you bring sensors into the air? Do you build autonomous platforms? How do you track down explosives fishing? How do you report live from the cowpansen? How do you get a thousand readers to build a sensor? How do you train cyclists as data collectors? And above all: What does this do to journalism?


One day, two program tracks. In the first track, best cases and ideas are presented by the leading movers and shakers of journalism. In the second track, there are workshops in which the participants get to know new technologies, build sensors for reporting and develop their own project ideas. The event should be the starting shot. It should help the community to network, tackle new projects — and provide the prelude for regular JoT conferences.


On 5 November 2019 at the Literaturhaus Stuttgart (Germany).


Four pioneers of sensor journalism organise the conference: Hendrik Lehmann, responsible at the Tagesspiegel for the Radmesser-Project (German Reporter Award 2018). Jan Georg Plavec is responsible for the project Feinstaub-Radar (Konrad Adenauer Prize for Local Journalism 2018) at the Stuttgarter Zeitung. Dr. Jakob Vicari conceived and produced the format Super Cows for WDR (Ernst Schneider Prize 2018). The conference office is headed by Isabelle Buckow, who for many years organised the German Reporter Award and the Reporter Workshop at SPIEGEL.

We need you!

Think for a moment about how the Internet has changed the way journalists work. How it was when we traveled the world without a connection in our pockets. How fictional it seemed that the Internet would be in the heart of our everyday journalistic life. That’s how we are today with the Internet of Things again. At the Journalism of Things Conference, innovative media makers meet technology companies. Together they can develop ideas. There are only 100 tickets. Attention: Parts of the conference will be held in German. This is a fantastic opportunity for you to meet the makers of future journalism. Get your ticket today:



Jakob Vicari
Journalism Of Things. Strategies for Media 4.0

Freelance Creative Technologist and Science Reporter with a focus on sensors and internet of things.