Debunking Deceit: How a Romanian Drone Event Exposed the Inefficacy of Government Fake News

In Romania, a NATO member, the government stands accused of intentionally spreading false news purportedly aimed at easing the mounting tensions between NATO and Russia. The incident underscores the detrimental impact of fake news, even when employed in pursuit of noble objectives.

Media and Journalism Research Center
Journalism Trends
4 min readOct 10, 2023


By Cerasel Cuteanu

Propaganda has long been employed by democratic nations during times of war to manipulate public opinion. This disinformation tactic is often used for good purposes such as avoiding war escalation.

However, a recent case in Romania has shed light on the serious consequences that can arise from such practices. Under pressure to avoid activating NATO’s Article 5, the Romanian government falsely claimed that no Russian drones had fallen on Romanian soil, a decision aimed at deceiving its own citizens rather than the enemy. The aftermath of this deceit serves as a stark confirmation that employing fake news, even in pursuit of a just outcome, is an impractical strategy.

Last month, the Ukrainian government reported that a Russian drone fell and detonated on Romanian soil, an event that raised concerns regarding the activation of NATO’s Article 5, a move that could potentially escalate tensions and even pave the way for a catastrophic World War III. Addressing the issue during an international summit, the President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, firmly dismissed Ukraine’s claims, asserting that no such drone had ever landed on Romanian soil.

However, the truth behind the alleged Russian drone incident on Romanian soil has finally emerged. Following the release of images showcasing the wreckage and the subsequent confirmation by the Minister of Defense, it was unequivocally established that a Russian drone did, in fact, crash on Romanian territory. Thus, the President was compelled to revise his initial statement.

Talking to the BBC, Romanian commentators have leveled serious allegations against President Iohannis, claiming that he deliberately concealed vital information from the public and disseminated false information among the populace. Despite his presumably good intentions, the President’s actions have proven to be highly problematic, as they have sparked a chain of events that illustrate the dangers of relying on fabricated news.

It eventually turned out that an abuse of power was meticulously orchestrated to ensure the effectiveness of a disinformation campaign. This tactic, often employed by governments, aims to mislead the public and manipulate their perception. The mayor of a village, which had frequently been targeted by Russian drones attacking the Ukrainian port of Izmail, spoke out about a fallen drone in the area. However, he was promptly warned against discussing this matter further, as it had the potential to escalate tensions between Romania, NATO, and the Russian Federation.

Another consequence of the misguided decision to disseminate disinformation was that the Russian Federation, perceiving the use of fake news as a vulnerability, maintained its audacious stance. As a result, two additional drones were found on Romanian territory in the weeks following the Romanian President’s lie.

The Romanian foreign affairs minister took action by summoning the Russian Embassy to address the violation of Romanian airspace. This decision was made after it became evident that disseminating fake news would not effectively protect Romanian citizens or prevent a potential escalation into World War III. The summoning of the Russian Embassy was in response to the discovery of drone parts similar to those used by Putin’s forces. The minister’s course of action is widely regarded as the appropriate response that should have been taken from the very beginning.

The incident has brought to light the detrimental effects of fake news and the need for its unequivocal condemnation, even when it originates from well-meaning intentions. The government bears the undeniable duty of protecting the nation’s welfare and ensuring the safety of its citizens. However, resorting to the use of fake news as a strategic tool at the highest level of governance can lead to severe repercussions. This not only erodes the government’s credibility and legitimacy but also cultivates an atmosphere of uncertainty and skepticism among the general public.

The Romanian government’s ill-advised choice in the drone saga is poised to provoke a response from citizens akin to what researchers, such as Sophie C. Boerman, defined as “attitudinal persuasion knowledge”, a phenomenon that occurs when individuals become cognizant of the government’s manipulation, adopting a critical mindset in their future interactions with the government or specific politicians.

The result is that the integrity, dependability, and credibility of the authorities will undoubtedly come under scrutiny.

Cerasel Cuteanu is a fellow with the Media and Journalism Research Center. He pursues a PhD at the Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj, Romania.



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Journalism Trends

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