Movie Bluff — Launch Reflection

Caroline Passalacqua
4 min readOct 12, 2020



It was so exciting to finally see everything come together for the first draft launch of this project. The website is definitely lacking in content at the moment. I have submitted the introductory column to the website, but that is all for now. Next week I will have another column ready to go, but I felt without any representation of ideas and articles to come, it looked a little bare. I added some Instagram size squares under “right now we’re watching…” as indications of articles that are coming soon, but not yet published. Even though weekly articles and movie moments will be posted on Instagram, I wanted a place to house all of the content. The website will not only hold the columns but also the movie gifs and any other specified content I think fits with the aesthetic. Because I am currently low on content, the first few columns will likely be posted very close together, and then will only be once a week after that.

The Instagram will also be important because the aesthetic of the Instagram page will help to bring in followers and therefore readers. Instagram blogs that capture many moments from popular movies, tv shows or often any 90’s aesthetic tend to be very popular among people my age. Even if there is nothing to read, sometimes just having these posts appear in your feed is enough to convince someone to follow. These sorts of accounts have in a sense become the ‘Pinterest’ of Instagram, and I wanted to tap into that kind of audience. Hopefully the posts of ‘Major Movie Moods’ which happen almost daily, will be enough to entice someone to follow, read the column and possibly go to the website. I also feel the two mediums (website and Instagram) work well together, as the website will act as a clear and organized way to find content that may get lost on the Instagram feed. I have created specific graphics for each column, which are designed as Instagram posts.

In terms of competition, as I have said, there are many ‘blogger’ accounts that are popular because they have created the aesthetic which I have described. A few examples are:

- @80slolita

- @90s.daily

- @moviequotes

The difference between my account and these, is that they are simply about the aesthetic and exclusively Instagram posts. There is no written work or columns. I want to create a combination of the two. People are enticed by the Instagram posts but stay for the weekly movie bluff column. These accounts also tend to pick movies and photos that do not seem to be in any particular order or categorization. I will be posting scenes, images and clips from movies or occasionally tv shows, that relate to the theme for that week’s column. Other websites/Instagram’s such as Variety, Vanity Fair and Betches are other accounts and outlets which I have modeled my website and column format after. These organizations have acclaim and often write a lot about movies and television, however mine will be more niche. Instead of daily news on what is happening in the entertainment world, my column will give specific recommendations of movies in line with that week’s theme. These outlets may occasionally write pieces like that, but that is almost exclusively the kind of content I will be putting out.

One thing I think I could have done differently, is to try and build up a following before creating the Instagram. Currently my Instagram has no followers and almost no content, I do think that it could have been beneficial to first try and build up a follower base before actually posting anything on the Instagram. As I said before, each week I will be posting a movie bluff column, likely every Friday. The column will be my written work with the week’s movie recommendations. Periodically during the week before the column is posted, I will be posting gifs, clips and other movie scenes to the Instagram. Likely it will come out to one column a week and an average of 5 Instagram posts. So excited to get going!

