What I am Grateful For — 002

Presh Onyee
Journal by Presh Onyee 🗻🦅😍
2 min readJan 19, 2019
Photo by Nathalie SPEHNER on Unsplash

I’m grateful for all of the things I’ve been privileged to know in the past year. Looking back at the way I think, the things I say, and the things I understand, I can credit it to a very eventful 2018.

It’s not exactly like I had the whole year figured out before it happened — far from it. In fact, most of my 2018 were rough than smooth, so there was no fairy godmother offering me guidance at every step.
Reflecting on some of the things I did in the earlier part of the year makes me cringe. That a huge testament to how much growth I truly made.

I’m also grateful for all of the efforts I made both big and small. I tried a lot of things, a few worked out, the others did not. Not all the time was it convenient for me to do certain things but I tried anyway. The fact that I tried is more important for me than it not working out.

Interestingly, much of the big efforts I made and big results I got in the last year happened towards the end of the year, the last 2 months to be precise. All I was able to achieve in those months were far more than I had achieved in the prior 10 months combined.
I thought to myself, perhaps it’s as a result of the compound interests of the previous 10 months learnings that reflected in the output of the last 2 months. I’m not sure still.

Finally, I’m grateful for all the steps I took and how the learnings have shaped me. I tried new things, went to new places, met new people, and all of these steps made me learn a lot about relationships, experiences and things.

Have a great ✨ day.

Hola 🙋‍♂️and Shalom ✌!



Presh Onyee
Journal by Presh Onyee 🗻🦅😍

User Experience Designer sharing random thoughts on creativity and product design.