Misty Munnar & Magical Monsoons

Thanashyam Raj
Journey in Search Of …
2 min readNov 11, 2015

Had a 2 day trip to Munnar in June this year. June is the monsoon time for Munnar, and to most travel lovers in the tropical region, this is the time when the nature awakes, comes to life and showcases its best.

The Drama before the Rains

The road to Munnar from Tamil Nadu is curvaceous with lusty green fields all around. This photography was shot near Bodimettu, the village from where the roads get exciting to drive, the wind makes itself more heard, the mercury level drops at each hairpin bend and the heart starts beating as musical notes.

Life Sprouts Everywhere

Monsoon brings life everywhere where ever it makes presence felt. With greener life all around, especially with the new ones sprouting around, the eyes never get enough of the pleasantry.

Road to Bliss

Munnar’s roads are curvaceous, each curve seeming to hide a new mystery and yet another breathtaking scenery. When behind the wheels, you are always in a fix, whether to stop now or keep driving to the next curve. Start stopping and you will find yourself lost among the greens.

Heavens above the Roof

When you wake to such a breathtaking view every morning, can you find a better place to spend some quiet and romantic moments with your loved one?

Trickling down the heart

When you are on the banks of a gushing stream watching the last rays of the setting sun,listening to the chirping of birds as they prepare for the end of the day, listening to the forest across the stream slowly coming alive….There’s nothing better than being busy doing nothing.

Straight from the Paradise

“Sit by a river. Find peace and meaning in the rhythm of the lifeblood of the Earth.” — An anonymous quote probably from someone who has been here.

Endless Greenery

Miles upon miles of lush tea plantations limited only by what our eyes can see, sipping a hot cup of tea is the best way to enjoy the weekend love affair with the magical monsoons in the mystic Munnar greenscape.



Thanashyam Raj
Journey in Search Of …

I make images the way I want to etch them into my memories