Sara Davis
Journey of a Womanist
3 min readNov 8, 2016


Why I Chose to Be a Full-Time Working Mama

Why I Choose to Be a Full Time Working Mama

As a child we’re taught to dream big and that we can be anything we desire, from a Firefighter to an Astronaut.

For young girls, that narrative often takes a shift.

Culture and perceived stigma assert an influence on which careers are best for women who also desire to become a parent. Teaching, Nursing, and Writing are options that are often tossed into the breeze, albeit for good reason. These careers present the opportunity to directly impact and influence a local community while also being able to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

But what about the women who may not be passionate about those occupations? Is the only reasonable choice for them to just stay home?

For me, the answer was no. I remember watching How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. Watching Matthew McCanaughey work his screen-play magic on a marketing campaign was highly entertaining. As materialistic as his campaign inviting you to “frost yourself” with diamonds was, I couldn’t help thinking about how exhilarating it would be to be at the forefront of a company; creating the messaging, building the voice, and expanding out the brand of a business.

After a short stint in college, I got a job in a large digital marketing firm in Utah, and instantly knew I had found my craft. I got to dive in head first and explore my analytical side, creative side, and love for technology. Working never felt like work. After having a child I stepped back to working part-time to be home with my son. I found myself missing the buzz and fulfillment I had in my career. I never planned to be a working Mom per-se, but when I went back to work full time, I knew instantly I had made the right choice for me. I found that by working, I was a better Mom. Working causes me to self-analyze, and improve myself and my skillset. I crave that push, that expansion of self. At the end of the day, when I get home to see my kids, it’s as if the rest of the world falls away. My time is dedicated 100% to family, no distractions.

Could I choose to stay home financially? Yes, absolutely. Would I feel as satisfied with my life? No.

It’s no secret that the best Moms are those who live happy and fulfilled lives. Mothers should be encouraged to opt into whatever career path inspires them. STEM careers are practically begging for women to raise their hand and jump on board. STEM executives know how valuable women are to their organizations, and women are a hot commodity to them. Let’s be honest, in business and in life men need women’s input to succeed.

Am I saying that all women should work? Absolutely not. Simply put, women should follow their dreams and passions, whatever that looks like for them.

“Mommy Wars” are brutal and disheartening. What if instead of bickering life choices on the internet, women were joining together to celebrate and encourage each other’s successes? Whether the day consists of taking 3 kids to the grocery store and coming out sans tears, or the day is spent creating a marketing strategy for a company (both equally as challenging, for the record) what if in lieu we chose to cheer each other on?

I choose to live in a world where children don’t have to get caught up in the chatter. Where they can believe and follow their hearts to be an astrophysicist, accountant, or astronomer, and the world will be nothing but proud. As women, let’s all band together to support each other, and go steal some jobs from the men while we’re at it!

Final thoughts:

  • Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t work and be a good mother, because you absolutely can.
  • Don’t let anyone tell you that you aren’t doing enough as a stay at home Mom. You’re working the hardest job on the planet.

My secret to being a happy successful working mother = following my passion, and a healthy dose of a work-life balance.



Sara Davis
Journey of a Womanist

Humanist without a cause. Marketing Director at SynergySuite | The leading restaurant management platform for enterprise restaurants.