Balance of Discrimination

Kiran Pillai
Journey of the Spirit
2 min readAug 13, 2018

Can’t speculate life through.

Live life to really know it fully.

What good is assumptions?

When you could really test life…

I could assume something may happen

Life in fear of that actually happening.

Without ever knowing nothing ever changes.

So, do it. Dive in. See what happens.

Doing it is overrated today. Too overrated.

Advertisements nudge us, “Just do it”

Foolish souls have fallen deep under

By doing things without discrimination.

What is balance: Doing it or Not doing it?

Ask the wise ones before us.

What did they speak? What did they do?

What clues were left behind?

Our dharmas have left us shastras.

What could be dharma and what is not.

Epics talked of souls who did both.

And who we remember these days….

At times, life takes a bit of courage.

Of diving in and doing what is asked.

Take a little courage to experiment

Rishis were great scientists of experiments.

If my ancestors were Rishis, what stops me?

I know I need to test things too. I will also!

What might be balance between testing

And listening to the Shastras? Discrimination!

It is discrimination alone that settles it.

What does my discrimination say?

How well do I know right and wrong?

That alone decides doing it and not doing so.

Originally published at on August 13, 2018.



Kiran Pillai
Journey of the Spirit

Finding oneself through self development and spirituality. Writing about inner beliefs to discover the layers within