How to Escape Reality…For an Hour and a Half

Tyse Fortley
Journey to a Creative Calm
7 min readMay 29, 2019


To be honest, I had built up the float experience almost to a point where I envisioned a grandiose experiences that would quickly prove to be a solution for calming my mind. I had talked about doing this for months, I had even encouraged others to come with me. The day was finally here. Monday March 11th at 10:30am. I got there early to register and watch the video and I was ready and raring to go.

When I walked into the room, I saw a shower, a tank, a bench and a filtration system behind a lattice free-standing wall. I pulled the tank open slowly and peered into my space for the next hour and a half. As I looked closer at the tank, it did not seem quick as large as the eight by three foot description I had read about online and the liner reminded me of any swimming pool I have been in.

I felt a tinged of that underwhelmed feeling. Was this going to be everything I had hoped? Whas this, rather expensive hydrotherapy appointment, going to be worth the money? As my mind was ready to whirl into a spiral of doubt and inevitable disappointment, I was able to squash the worry and focus in on the present.

I started to really look around and I even took a couple pictures to document the experiences. Then I was ready!

Fortley, T. (2019) A Journey to a Creative Calm. Isolation. [image].

I stepped down on the the first step and found that the water a degree or two…



Tyse Fortley
Journey to a Creative Calm

Writing to scratch my creative itch! ❤