Jammy on flirting

Initial contact, and there after

Jamie Jones
Truth’s that no one speaks of. 


Hi sorry it has been a bit longer than a week! Mad busy life of a musician you all understand. Any what I wan’t too mention today is ‘flirting’ not just flirting but making initial contact with someone you are crushing over or lusting after, and keeping them interested.

First of all. Guys don’t be that guy who makes the girl tag you as a typical male predator who is only after one thing! For example by using cheesy, inappropriate or rude remarks! And please keep your hands to your self! A girl can right you off in seconds!

If you are in a environment or situation were there is a girl near bye who you really have taken a liking for, just have a brief look with a slight smile, if she doesn’t look turn away and carry on with your night/friends then maybe try a little later. If she notices your smile then smile properly at her, if she smiles back or something to that affect then you have got a reaction which means it may be easy to start a conversation with her, if she doesn’t smile then it may be harder to get her attention.

Ok so at this point you have made eye contact if she has smiled back or shown a reaction that is positive (looking at you in a flirty way, or running her fingers through her hair knowing your looking etc). The next step is to try to talk to her. Now there are many different ways, some people are sublte, some wait it out and play it cool. Personally it depends on your judgement of there character in to which you would try to interact with them. But personally, say if I am in a bar and they come to the bar and stand next to me, pay them a compliment a real one, nothing rude or disrespectful, or just say hello, or maybe say something that she can comment too but isn’t necessarily aimed at her, and hope that she will comment on that as well as others at the bar, or ask for her opinion on something.

If she responds to any of these there a ways you can tell that she isn’t interested.

1. She ignores you all together but knows your there (owch)

2. She barely turns her head and gives a effortless half smile and quickly turns away.

3. If she plays with her phone every time you try to talk to her, or starts talking with some one else.

4. If she seems impatiant and keeps looking towards the bar staff meaning she want’s to get away.

5. If she insults you or sniggers at you, or pull a face.

Ok so those a the main things to look out for if you think she may not be interested. But people are different a girl may do one or more of those things but later on show interest. But generally those are bad sighns.

So if a girl is interested or at least is being polite she may do one or more of the following.

If she:

  1. Say hello back with eye contact
  2. Smile and say hello (more enthusiastic)
  3. If she is still looking at you after you have said hello
  4. If she asks you a question with out prompting one
  5. If she leans towards you or moves closer
  6. Or if your lucky she just starts talking to you

Though as before every one is different. Some girls may be showing interest just by talking to you and it could be about anything, they could be even making fun of you.

Ok so it won’t always be at a bar, it is possible to see or meet someone you quite fancy when you are shopping, at the gym, walking your dog, could be many places or situations. But still the common guidelines I have gave above most still apply.

Ok you need to make sure you keep the girl interested! If in a bar offer to buy her a drink, Don’t talk too much about your self, ask about her but don’t interrogate her, be yourself, and maybe make her laugh. If you aren’t a confident person who doesn’t do this much then you need to be brave and just go for it! What is the worst that can happen. If all is going well and your talking to each other and both seem intersted then ask for her number, in which then you can arrange a proper date were you can get too no each other a lot more.

I am a guy but honestly girls can do what the hell they wan’t when it comes too this stuff so no point me trying to give them advice on how guys work. Because girls rule the world, because most of the time at the end of the day, they have the final say when it comes too any sexually or lust related interaction.

But you may meet a girl who is up for meeting some one new! And is flirty as fuck, and seems to wan’t it/you. May not happen to most guys but there are just as many girls out there who just wan’t some fun.

But please don’t slap her ass or feel it out of no were. (Unless she is flirting with you and she seems she will like it)

Don’t ask her if she has a vet, and then tell her after your going to smash her pussy in. (again unless she is slutty maybe you can get away with that after, with out the vet part!)

Don’t be a douche!

Happy Flirtationship everyone!




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Jamie Jones
Truth’s that no one speaks of. 

Jammy: Creative. Eccentric. Truthful. Honest and a little bit out there.