Software Development Life Cycle

This story is to discuss the process and the framework defined for Software development and delivering it to the end-users/customers.

As discussed in the previous article we follow a systemic procedure to yield proper/better results. SDLC is the basic framework used across all organizations in the process of developing and releasing the software reliably.

As there are a lot of detailed articles regarding SDLC and various steps, I don’t want to go into too much detail about SDLC in this article but I will add the good sources in the links down below this article. On a high level, the framework is formed out of 7 or 8 mandatory steps as below:

Planning/Ideation, Requirement gathering, Designing, Development, Building, Testing, Deployment, Monitoring, and Maintenance.

Check this article which provided a detailed explanation of SDLC.



Venkata Chitturi
Journey to DevOps-Absolute Beginner Students

DevOps Professional. Passionate on learning, implementing and sharing new things.