The Best Way to Self-Coach Yourself

What do you want out of your life, dear?

Lucy Milanova
Journey to Self


Photo by Kazi Mizan on Unsplash

Perhaps you’re all familiar with the term coaching. And perhaps you’re also familiar with what coaches do and how much they shall earn for their work. Yet, as a Coach myself, I have to admit that there’s still a significant amount of biases and misunderstandings around what coaching is, what it does and who it is suitable for.

To clarify the confusion, here’s an explanation for you. If you don’t need any, feel free to skip to the next part.

What coaching is and does?

Coaching is not new, but an ancient discipline that derives many of its teachings from Ancient Greece. These were introduced and used by Plato, Socrates, Aristotle as well as the Stoics and the Epicureans.

Greek philosophy existed precisely for the same objective and so, to help the men to become the best version of themselves, to fulfill their potential and find lasting happiness.

Coaching targets progress which comes through self-improvement.

Self-improvement is achieved by an ability to self-reflect — look at things from a different than our usual perspective that’s limiting, and taking decisions from there.



Lucy Milanova
Journey to Self

Personal Growth, Mental Health, Mindfulness Ambassador | Londoner | Creative Entrepreneur | Transformation Coach