What to Do If You Find a Cougar in Your Living Room

Hint: Don’t run. Just like a lot of things in your life, it’s not as scary as you think.

Rose Bak
Journey to Self


Photo by John Borrelli on Unsplash

Despite what you might be thinking, this is not about an older woman dating a younger man.

I read a news story about a woman in southern Oregon who discovered a cougar relaxing in her living room. That’s right, an actual cougar wandered in, hung out and took a long nap.

At first I thought it was a hoax, because these days I have a hard time telling the difference between the Onion and actual news. But it was covered by several local media, and I was able to find the woman’s Facebook posts with the story to confirm.

The short version is, this woman left her front door open to keep her house cool, and unbeknownst to her, a cougar was in the neighborhood and decided to stop by for a visit.

Now, like me, you might hear that and be thinking, wow, that poor woman probably wet herself and called animal control in terror, and then they came with a sedative gun and knocked out that cougar.

But no, that’s not what happened.

The woman, who describes herself as having extensive experience working with animals and doing energy work, wasn’t scared at all. Instead of calling…



Rose Bak
Journey to Self

Rose Bak is a freelance non-fiction writer as well as the author of more than 50 books. Find Rose's books at bit.ly/AuthorRoseBak .