Friday 18th November

Anna Michael
Journeys Module
Published in
2 min readDec 3, 2022

Verdant Ideas

First I pulled out the key information from the brief we were given. I then went onto list all the events they already have on their website. I started with a mind map of random ideas and new audiences they could capture.

One idea Noah and I particularly like was doing a skate night. We started to partner up and try plan this event. After speaking to our lecturer and remembering what they said at Verdant, I started to realise that Verdant have intentionally avoided most sports scenes. They also weren’t the biggest fans on an idea of having any skate ramps at the venue.

Noah will carry on the skate event idea and I have decided to move away from this because I think it isn’t a realistic event for Verdant. I have asked my work at Cut by Beam what event they would like tot see there. They said a way for more small creative businesses to mix and talk. I have decided to go ahead with designing a networking event for small creative businesses.

I looked at what this networking event would consist of and name ideas. I also tried to think of different ways to help get people at the event to mix.



Anna Michael
Journeys Module
Editor for

A journal of my creative process and behind the scenes of my recent projects.