Tuesday 22nd November

Anna Michael
Journeys Module
Published in
Dec 3, 2022

Sketchout Workshop Plan

Today I made a plan for the sketchout workshop. Initially I thought it would be fun to not have too much of a plan and do some casual sketching, but then I decided I needed some prompts. I have printed off this A4 guide off to give people on the day. On the guide I have said if they already have ideas just draw those. I have found lots of old magazines to bring so next on the guide I said use the magazines for inspiration and to collage. My lecturer also helped me by giving some noun cards. So lastly on my guide I said pick a noun out the card box as a prompt.

I have some pencils paper glue and magazines to supply to the workshop if people don’t bring their own materials to the workshop.



Anna Michael
Journeys Module
Editor for

A journal of my creative process and behind the scenes of my recent projects.