Wednesday 23rd November

Anna Michael
Journeys Module
Published in
Dec 3, 2022

Verdant Pitch

Today I had the sketchout workshop this morning and the verdant pitch this afternoon. The verdant pitch went well. It was great to see everyones presentations and ideas. Afterwards we got feedback from the verdant team. They said they loved the concept for my event idea and that it is an event that’s achievable. They suggested I thought further about how this could benefit them, and how Verdant could use this create network to its full potential. Overall I felt like I had completed the task for the brief well and that they were trying to think further than this.

I plan to develop on their comments and evolve my logo design further.

My thanks for watching illustration :)



Anna Michael
Journeys Module
Editor for

A journal of my creative process and behind the scenes of my recent projects.