As a Mother

Being the Mother the Lord Wants Me to Be

Brooke Reynolds
Journeys of Motherhood


I love being a mom. I hope my children will recognize the eternal value and joy in motherhood. I love those little moments when I remember how special my job as a mother is. Yesterday we were running out of the library, giggling together because it was so windy. It was such a little sweet moment, but I had a reminder in my heart just how much I love being a mother. I love having fun with my dauther.

One day I realized that I often look at other amazing moms to see how they fulfill their role as a mother. What do they focus on during the day? How much do they clean? How do they balance cooking, cleaning, and playing? How do they continue to develop their own talents, while still making this special time in their lives a priority? But I found myself comparing (mostly focusing on where I was lacking), instead of learning from them. I decided in that moment that I didn’t want to be like every other mom. I wanted to be the mother God needed me to be to the daughter He had given me.

She is His daughter. And Heavenly Father knows her better than anyone else. And He can teach me how to be the best mother that she needs.

I want to be the mother the Lord needs me to be. I know I fall short, frequently. But the best part is, He can teach me how to be better as I do my part. Praying. Studying the scriptures. Going to the temple. Trying each day (even when there are multiple mess-ups). And being willing to change.

I started keeping a little book to record insights from my study about being the mother the Lord needs me to be. I haven’t looked at it for awhile. But I think I will get it back out so I can continue to seek for His help. My daughter will always be changing and growing, and He will always be there to guide. If I seek His help.



Brooke Reynolds
Journeys of Motherhood

I'm a mom, an adoptive parent, and am passionate about family, food, community, and education. I try to follow Jesus Christ by adding goodness to the world!