Introducing The Journo Resources Clinic: Jobs, Pitching, Mental Health and More

Jem Collins
Journo Resources
Published in
2 min readJul 17, 2017

I recently did some hiring for my full-time job at @Rights_Info and it was a pretty intense experience. Ninety-eight people applied for a paid three day a week digital internship. Yes, you read that right. NINETY-EIGHT.

I’ve always known it’s hard to break into journalism and the media, after all everything we do at JournoResources is about trying to break down those barriers, but sitting on the other side of the fence really hammers it home.

Faced with almost 100 applications from some genuinely great people, I felt overwhelmed. Here are bucket loads of talented people, many of whom I simply can’t give a job too despite them being great, who could easily end up discouraged and thinking they’re rubbish, constantly told by the old elites they’re lazy or not trying hard enough.

It’s often difficult to work out the best way to empower people to break into the media. I have given feedback to every single person who applied, but, sadly, this isn’t the norm and not every young person starting out will get that. But you don’t get anywhere from sitting about, so, the new and shiny JournoResources Clinic is born!

So, here’s how it will work 👇

Every two weeks (for now, if it’s super popular we’ll try and get going every week, but I’m only one human) I’m going to be using this blog to answer some of your most pressing questions or giving feedback, so everyone can benefit (don’t worry, I’ll anonymise who you are if needs be 🕵).

Ask me anything! Either drop me a DM or wing an email to What kind of stuff? ANY KIND OF STUFF!

  • Send me a CV or a job application you did for some feedback on how it could be improved 🖊
  • Got an idea for a pitch? Or wondered why you pitch didn’t get taken up? Send me your pitch! 🗒
  • Struggling to cope with the job hunt or a job you hate? Let’s chat 🤔
  • Don’t know how to ask for dollar, do you taxes, or find jobs? No question is too silly 💰

I don’t want to choose these topics myself, as I’m rapidly becoming old and out of touch, so please do tell me what you want to know, and I’ll get through as many as I can. While drinking gin, obvs. 🍸



Jem Collins
Journo Resources

Journalist. I make words and video that goes on the internet. Currently News and Social Media Editor for @Rights_Info. Trying to get you a job @journoresources.