The Facebook Mistakes That Could Be Costing You A Job

Joy Business Academy
Joy Business Academy
2 min readMay 30, 2017

According to a new survey, one in five employers has rejected a candidate due to their social media antics (Facebook and LinkedIn are the most commonly if you’re wondering). Even more surprisingly, there are 3 things considered even worse than drunk pics:

  1. Bad language. Your mum was on to something. 75% of employers are put off by aggressive or offensive language on a candidate’s social media. It’s not clear exactly why this is so high, but we’d assume it reflects the candidate’s ability to communicate with others or express themselves professionally. If you’re the kind of person who goes off on crazy rants online you may also be a liability in the workplace… so chill the f%@k out yeah?
  2. References to drug use. This should be a no-brainer, but 71% of employers don’t want to know what drugs you’re doing on the weekend. A reliance on illegal substances can not only get a candidate into hot water legally but it shows they lack dependability and safety on the job. If you or someone you know is struggling with drug or alcohol dependence we have a JBA course available here to help.
  3. Bad spelling or grammar. Don’t know the difference between there, they’re and their? You’re probably hindering your job seeking process. Any stage of the application that requires writing should be double checked for any spelling or grammar mistakes. Sending out communications with a typo is never a good look for the company and employers want to avoid it as much as possible.

Honourable mentions:

  • Too many selfies. It makes you look self-centered and unable to work in teams.
  • Resharing too much content from influencers. It shows you lack originality.
  • Too many political opinions. It shows a lack of restraint. Also, it’s just typically rude to talk about.

With all the advantages of social media also come some new challenges too. It may seem obsessive to check over your online content during your job search but the reality is it’s a powerful tool for recruiters to gain insight into your day to day behaviour. If in doubt, don’t post something you wouldn’t want a future boss to see.

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