Freedom Through Covenants

Where Ultimate Peace of Mind is Found

Chandler Donegan
Joy Collective
4 min readSep 28, 2018


Photo by Nik Shuliahin on Unsplash

For many of us, one stage of life or another has been afflicted by worry and fear. In the midst of anxiety, circumstances plague the mind without regard for what we believe, how often we fellowship with believers, or the robust nature of our theology. A once annoying, sad reality of our sinful nature quickly begins to cripple our relationship with God and those around us.

Ye of little faith and restless mind, cling to these words: You are not alone.

For many of us, we resonate with C.S. Lewis in relation to anxiety when he says, “I not only live each endless day in grief, but live each day thinking about living each day in grief.”

A war is being waged on the battleground of our minds, and at times, many of us feel as if we are losing. Fear not, injured soldier — the thread of God’s covenants throughout His Word can mend your every wound. When it begins to feel that life and well-being are swaying back and forth seemingly without purpose, where do we look? Our only hope is to trust outside of ourselves. There is a solution to our Jenga tower-like mindset, and He is the Cornerstone upon whom all of history is centered.

Examining God’s covenantal faithfulness throughout His redemption story, it becomes possible to gain a better understanding of the entire biblical narrative. When surrendered to the truth of God’s Word and His sovereign authority over our every step (Prov. 16:9), moments of worry and fear pale in comparison to the majesty of King Jesus.

A story of redemption necessitates a fall from grace. Knocked down in fear, we look back to the man God created from the dust: Adam, mankind’s representative head, was created in perfect relationship with God. Following Adam’s fall into sin, God declares the ultimate fate of humanity — we will toil with our flesh and one another during our time on this earth. This curse is the opening scene of each of our stories. Experientially, we feel its deadly consequences piercing through our hearts and minds. However, from the beginning, a Savior is promised: an offspring of Adam will defeat sin and death (Gen. 3:19).

Humanity’s downward spiral into lawlessness is met with God’s righteous judgment through a worldwide flood. It is in the midst of earth’s “rebirth” that God addresses Noah. He promises that “never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth” (Gen. 9:11). If God’s purpose in creation is a redeemed people to worship and glorify Him forever, there must be a sinful people to give new life. His common grace of provision remains until this very day and will continue until Christ’s glorious return.

The redemption story continues as God calls Abram, a pagan, to saving faith (Rom. 4:3). To Abram, God promises a son, a nation, and a land (Gen. 15). Soon after, God repeats His promise, with one crucial clarification — the son, nation, and land are everlasting (Gen. 17). Through Abram’s lineage, all of the nations will be blessed (Gen. 22:18).

The fulfillment of God’s first promise to Abram is most evident in King David’s rule over Israel. Knowing the scriptures well, David sought to be made right with God; however, as a sinful man, David knew he was not equipped to serve as Israel’s Redeemer. Instead, this man after God’s own heart continually prophesied of God Himself saving His people from sin and death (Psalm 110).

2 Samuel 7 gives us perhaps the clearest picture of God’s plan of redemption. God tells David, “[Your offspring] shall build a house for my name, and I will establish the throne of His kingdom forever.” We know this offspring to be Jesus Christ. In His life and death, Christ builds His church, Himself being the cornerstone (Eph. 2:20). In Jesus’ resurrection, we find the preservation of God’s people, His Son, His kingdom, and our eternal King. When He comes again to judge the nations, God’s people will have their everlasting land, in perfect fellowship with Christ.

It is toward this day that the arch of human history bends. Within what seems to be an ever-expansive collection of passing moments, God steps into time and space and clarifies its very essence. Through His covenants, “God has bound Himself to the good of His creation,” redeemed it through Christ Jesus, and sworn to sustain us until the day of the Lord. Full assurance is found in our daily lives when we realize that even the smallest of circumstances fall within the sovereignty of God’s eternal plan. When anxiety attempts to write a new script, remember your eternal fate is etched in blood.

Restless minds, take heart. In full assurance of God’s character, revealed through His Word, our truest joy and peace of mind are found. God has never failed to keep His promises, and He won’t start now. Rejoice with the hymnist,

“Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,

Just to take Him at His Word;

Just to rest upon His promise,

Just to know, “Thus says the Lord!”



Chandler Donegan
Joy Collective

In Christ. Husband to Mackenzie. Passionate for the health & flourishing of Christ's bride.