Chude Jideonwo speaks on principles of happiness at Social Media Week Lagos 2019

Joy, Inc.
Published in
3 min readFeb 7, 2019

Participants gathered yesterday — 6th February 2019 — the third day of the one-week long event, Social Media Week Lagos to explore how humans can truly flourish and experience even amid chaos. Social Media Week, now in its 10th year, is an event that explores the social, cultural and economic impact of social media. SMW’s mission is to help people and organizations connect through collaboration, learning and the sharing of ideas and information.

Organized by Joy, Inc, the class tagged ‘Stop Hustling; Signal in the midst of the Social (media) storm’ leveraged on the latest research and evidence on resilience, decision making and happiness integrated with personal stories and experiences on how humans can truly flourish, experience joy.

Speaking at the event, Founder of Joy, Inc. Chude Jideonwo began by reading bits of a highly recommended book; 21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Yuval Noah Harari which explains how social and existential questions, impact the everyday lives of humans worldwide.

He shared principles based on research and personal experiences on how the participants can live a life of less comparison, follow their path, enjoy their journey by leveraging positive emotions, healthier habits and powerful self-awareness practices.

“You are supposed to find where you thrive the most, how you thrive the most — how you learn, how you love, what you love, who you need, what makes your heart sing, and to do your best to stay true to that unique mix,” Chude Jideonwo emphasized at the event yesterday.

The 1-hour class also featured a question-and-answer session where participants engaged the speaker, Chude Jideonwo on best ways of curating one’s experiences for joy, for happiness and for positivity.

About Joy, Inc.

Joy, Inc. [] is a benefit company building happier, flourishing Africans by equipping young Africans with positive emotion skills and resources they need to be happy, resilient, transcend adversity, solve problems, find joy and flourish while nudging nations to take emotional/mental wellbeing serious.

